5 ways to learn what content you should produce for your audience


1. Use Google Analytics to understand your visitors

There are so many ways to get clues on what content your audience likes in Google Analytics, these are just two.

  • Use site search. This will only work if you have enabled the site search function in Google analytics, which you can only do if you actually have a search function on your site. Go to Behaviour > Site Search > Search terms.

    What people search for here is directly related to what they are looking for from you, and your site. That’s the best clue you can get. People who use Site search are close to conversion, know what they are looking for and want to find it fast. Make sure you catch them.

  • Search console report. This is different from site search in the way that it shows what people searched for to find your site, so ideally they should have already landed on a piece of content with those keywords. Either way it gives you a hint on what’s relevant and works - so go ahead and create more content around these terms and/or promote what you already have on other channels. Find it under Acquisition > Search Console > Queries

2. Facebook groups

Join Facebook groups within your interest and observe people's conversations, what are they asking each other, what frustrates them, what do they need help and support with? Create content around to respond to these needs. Some groups allow links so, then you can directly share your content on those specific posts. Relevant content for a relevant audience.

3. Answer to Quora

Quora is a platform where people ask questions that then gets answered, followed and edited by Internet users. People answer with both opinions and facts, but the point for you is to pay attention to the questions. These are the ones you want to answer with your blog post, podcast, YouTube video or whatever content you are producing.  

4. Frequently Asked Questions

Maybe this one is obvious, but many times I’ve met teams that don’t collaborate with customer service. Go through your tickets and look into data from whatever system you are using to communicate with your customers. What are they asking, or complaining about?

5. Google Trends 

Another great Google Resource. Enter a topic or search term related to your industry in the search bar. Lets Say you are in the coffee industry. Get creative around the word “coffee”, or simply pick one of the search terms you spotted in Google Analytics search data. Select a region or worldwide (especially good if you are making targeted ads). Scroll down in the result, and boom, there you have related topics and related queries to inspire your content production.

Produce content around Google trends search results.png

These are some pretty basic, but very efficient ways to understand what content your audience likes, as well as inspire you when you suffer from creative fatigue. Get in touch if you want us to make a content plan together.